I joined Science Olympiad as a seventh grader entering junior high, not fully knowing what I was getting myself into, but I do not regret a single thing these past six years have brought me. My favorite part about being a part of Scioly would be all the bonding we were able to do. Talking to other members between events or playing board games for the countless hours we waited for award ceremonies were very enjoyable. I cannot forget our overnight trip to Ukiah for an invitational where we stayed at an AirBnB with many odd animals and I was able to connect with people I had not gotten to know before.
Scioly has played an instrumental part of my life. Through my experiences, I have been able to gain skills such as collaboration, diligence, and a lot of time management. Not only did I have to work with my partners to excel at each event but I also had to understand how my work contributed to the performance of the overall team and the importance of pulling my weight. Additionally, having to work endlessly on my vehicle to perfect it by the time it came to regionals or states taught me commitment and diligence. There were times where balancing the dedication to studying and attending all of the invitationals as well as my other activities became challenging but it was all worth it in the end. Prioritizing the activities I was genuinely interested in helped me with managing my time, rather than wasting it on things that are not as important to me. I was able to truly learn what I was passionate about because of the various topics Scioly introduced me to, which helped me determine what I wanted to pursue in the future.
Stanford University co2025, Chemistry

I participated in Science Olympiad for 5 years. Almost all of my time with the club was spent meeting with my partners and making jokes while attempting to get through the material, a very enjoyable and memorable experience. Science Olympiad helped me understand the importance of leadership and dedication, along with making new friends and working with teachers. Overall, the club has really helped me mature and learn about the topics I was interested in. I would highly recommend anyone give Science Olympiad a try!